Link to Blaffer Gallery Link to Jessica Stockholder schedule of events Blaffer Gallery image map with a hot spot link to Blaffer Gallery on the left, Jessica Stockholder hot spot link to schedule of events on the right


1990 Wool blanket, table, barbeque, oil and acrylic paint, fluorescent light, night-light, tow speaker boxes, wool, Styrofoam, newspaper, paper, and glue 29 x 30 x 31 in 73.7 x 76.2 x 78.7 cm Collection Jay Gorney, New York

Wool blanket, table, barbeque, oil and acrylic paint, fluorescent light, night-light, tow speaker boxes, wool, Styrofoam, newspaper, paper, and glue
29 x 30 x 31 in

73.7 x 76.2 x 78.7 cm

Collection Jay Gorney, New York

Making Art: Lesson Plans

Diorama: Creating an Environment with Everyday Objects

Materials:  Found objects, cardboard boxes, construction paper, magic markers or paint, scissors, pencils and paper.


Part 1: Show students Stockholder’s works.  Ask them to describe what they see, and to create a list of verbs, adverbs, and adjectives to describe the actions depicted in Stockholder’s works.

Part 2: Ask students to bring in small, ordinary objects to class.  Split students into groups of four or five.  Give each group a large cardboard box, and ask them to decorate it with construction paper, color it with markers or paint, and incorporate their ordinary objects into the design.  Ordinary objects should also be drawn upon, torn, cut or altered. 

Discussion:  Ask each student to write a short story about their built environment. As them to consider what happens in the space, who inhabits the space, what it is used for, and what will happen next.  Ask them to describe what actions occur in their space, using the same types of verbs, adverbs, and adjectives used in their description of Stockholder’s works.


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